Because this site is so filled with information, I decided to make it as easy as possible for you by dividing it into catergories. They are; Parkinson's , Multi-Infarct Dementia, Huntington's, Picks, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, MS, Hydrocephlus, AIDS Dementia, Alcohol Dementia, Down Syndrome, Lewy Body Dementia, basic Dementia informationand Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Oh, there's also an article pertaining to the symptoms, diagnosing etc. of Schizophrenia.
Also, beside each directory I have included what you will find in that a little bit about each topic.
* Give or take a few, there are approximately 200 documents in the following Directories and it's still growing.*
Just click on the button to go to that directory.
Disease: What Is Parkinson's Disease, Stages of Parkinson's Disease, Unified
Parkinson Disease Rating Scale, What Are the Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease,
Early Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, Evaluating Disease Severity, Primary
and Secondary Symptoms, Risk Factors for Parkinson's and a lot more...
Dementia: Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia, Multi-Infarct Dementia, New
Findings On Risk Factors, MID and Alzheimer's, Vascular Dementia, Fact
Sheet, Severity of Decline, Severity of Decline in Other Cognitive Abilities,
Severity Decline in numerous fact sheets!
Disease: Picks Fact Sheet, What Are The Symptoms Of Pick's Disease, Frontal
Lobe Dementia, About Pick's Disease (a personal letter) and Sex, Sex &
No Sex. (NEW! Just added a link to the on-line Picks support group)
Warning Signs, Disorders Causing Dementia, What Are Other Dementias, Vascular
Dementia, Slides of Picks Bodies, of the Substantia Nigra and Lewy Bodies.
directory contains numerous articles about Lewy Body Dementia. There are
also some slides that show what the lewy bodies look like.
Supranuclear Palsy: What it is, Fact Sheet, links, and info sheets detailing
helpful hints associated with symptoms of PSP.
Disease: Caring For People With HD, Suggestions On Behavioral Management,
Communications Strategies, Home Safety, 10 Caregiver Facts, Action Plan
For Caregivers, Eating and Swallowing and many more.
Sclerosis: MS Diagnosis; What Does That Mean?,
Fatigue, Vision Loss, What Is MS?, Walking and Exercise, What About Help
Aids and Devices?, Questions and Answers, 'I Just Told You That', Preparing
For An MRI.
Syndrome: Numerous articles discussing dementia and DS, plus several drug
study findings as well as links to other resources such as additional websites,
chatrooms, message boards, newsgroups, and DS newsletters.
Disease: Fact Sheet, What Is
CJD?, CJD Guide, Common Questions About Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Normal Pressure Hydrocephlus, Adult-OnSet, Associated Problems, Help With
Incontinence, Tips on Proper Eating, Fact Sheet, plus more.
Dementia: AIDS Related Dementia, AIDS & Dementia, Understanding
AIDS Dementia, Parallels Between AIDS Dementia and Parkinson's Disease,
AIDS Dementia; The New Enemy, plus several slides.
Dementia: Alcohol Dementia, Dementia Associated With Alcoholism, Neurological
Problems Due to Alcoholism.
Schizophrenia: What Really Goes On Inside That Head; A wonderful article written about a very misunderstood illness.
Enforcement: This is a manual I wrote that is designed to help Police have
a better understanding of Alz. Disease/dementia. It was orginally developed
for the military but it's also useful for anyone who is in Law Enforcement.
It's approximately 40 pages long so I've broken it down into topics for
easier downloading or copy/printing.
contained in this site are (c) by Marsha Penington 1999
and may NOT be removed without my written permission)