"Lewy Body Dementia" Directory
Below you will find a listing of informational documents I hope will be useful if your loved one has Dementia. I know there is not much in here now, but it will be growing steadily!
Please feel free to take anything you feel might be helpful to you. Simply print it out, or copy it to your hard drive or disk.
Many thanks to Josephine (Josey) for sending me the following new new material!
- Fact Sheet : Dementia with Lewy Bodies - LBD (Lewy Body Dementia) - Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), An Overview - LBD - Understanding Lewy Body - Dementia With Lewy Bodies - The Main Three Symptoms -
It's much appreciated!
Fact Sheet : Dementia with Lewy Bodies
What Is Lewy Body Dementia?
LBD (Lewy Body Dementia)
Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), An Overview
Understanding Lewy Body
Dementia With Lewy Bodies
The Main Three Symptoms
More Medical In Nature -
Dementia With Lewy bodies
Dementia-Lewy Bodies
Lewy Bodies: Trying to Define a Disease
of Picks, Parkinsons's & Lewy Bodies
Body EGroups
For those of you who are unfamilar with EGroups, it's very much like a message board (which means you can post comments, ask questions etc). There are two groups, one for spouses of LBD patients, and one for adult children caring for a parent, grandparent or mother/father in-law. To subscribe just click the button or underlined text below. Or simply address an email to or
Many thanks to Eileen, Ann & James for setting these up!!