I'm Brenda S. Parris. In August 1994, I quit graduate school at Florida State and came home to Alabama to take care of
my mother who had Alzheimer's Disease. I took care of her until the end of December 1995 when we put her in a nursing home. Then she died in April 1996.
I want to share all the information I can find about this disease because
I know that knowledge is essential to being a good caregiver. Even those who are not caregivers need to know about this disease because almost everyone knows someone who has Alzheimer's, and probably most of us are at risk for getting it ourselves.
Since 1996, I have returned to school and completed the degree. I have my career now, but I have
never regreted the year with my mother. Though I may fall behind at times, updating this site is still very important to me, and it always will be.
At other great sites ...
Be sure to visit the Alzheimer's Association site to find your Find Your Local Chapter, and get your person with Alzheimer's registered for Safe Return. You'll want to subscribe to the Alzheimer List and visit the Archives. You may also want to subscribe to the
CANDID-Dementia list.