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Alzheimer's in the News

"Hope Has a Place"
2001 News *
2000 News *
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1996 News
Alzheimer's drugs guidance warning (March 1, 2005)
Alzheimer drugs may be withdrawn (March 1, 2005)
Alzheimer's drugs could be withdrawn (March 1, 2005)
Alzheimer's in Prime of Life (February 4, 2005)
Alzheimer's is on the Rise ; Fewer Calories and Less Saturated Fat Might Be Helpful for Preventing Alzheimer (March 10, 2005)
ALZHEIMER's: The Outrage Grows (March 4, 2005)
Alzheimer Victims 'May Have to Buy Illicit Drugs' (March 4, 2005)
Apples for Alzheimer's (February 3, 2005)
'Bio-barcoding' promises early Alzheimer's diagnosis (January 31, 2005)
Busy brains may stave off Alzheimer's signs (March 10, 2005)
Busy Minds May Slow Alzheimer's (March 10, 2005)
Constant Worry May Increase Alzheimer's Risk (February 4, 2005)
Dementia, Alzheimer’s Can Be Delayed (March 8, 2005)
Disease Detector: Chemical test may spot Alzheimer's (February 5, 2005)
Do Carbs, Calories Affect Alzheimer's Risk? (January 13, 2005)
Drugs Used To Treat Alzheimer's In Nursing Homes Are Worsening Sufferers' Illness (March 9, 2005)
Enriched environment delays onset of Alzheimer's in mice (March 10, 2005)
Elderly Weight Loss May Signal Dementia (January 10, 2005)
Exercise, Learning May Fight Off Alzheimer's (March 10, 2005)
Have curry and prevent Alzheimer’s (February 8, 2005)
Healthy Lifestyle Could Reduce Alzheimer's Risk (March 3, 2005)
Help for Alzheimer's Patients (March 3, 2005)
Industry Fury as UK Watchdog Curbs Alzheimer Drugs (March 1, 2005)
It may be Alzheimer's, not old age (March 8, 2005)
Mental decline linked to Alzheimer's (March 9, 2005)
MGH study identifies potential Alzheimer's risk gene (March 3, 2005)
Mild cognitive trouble may be indicator of Alzheimer's (March 8, 2005)
New Alzheimer's patients to be denied drugs (January 3, 2005)
New Hope For Alzheimer's Patients (February 7, 2005)
New test might help detect Alzheimer's in early stages (February 1, 2005)
New test might help detect Alzheimer's in early stages (February 7, 2005)
New trials for counseling caregivers and patients with Alzheimer's begin (March 5, 2005)
Nicotine Could Lead to Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s (February 1, 2005)
Nicotine Won't Slow Alzheimer's (February 8, 2005)
Nicotine Won't Slow Alzheimer's (February 8, 2005)
No, Nicotine Probably Doesn't Ward Off Alzheimer's (February 7, 2005)
Picture book brightens day for Alzheimer's patients (March 8, 2005)
R.I. researchers find insulin and Alzheimer’s link (March 9, 2005)
Seroquel effective in elderly patients with alzheimer's disease (March 5, 2005)
Seroquel found effective against Alzheimer's (March 5, 2005)
Not NICE! Report Shelves Alzheimer's Treatment (March 3, 2005)
Sex, social activities cut risk of Alzheimer's (February 5, 2005)
Study Finds Memory Disorder May Be Warning for Alzheimer's (March 7, 2005)
Test May Help Detect Alzheimer's Earlier (January 31, 2005)
Therapy brings out artistry in Alzheimer's (March 5, 2005)
UK's NICE withdraws backing for Alzheimer's drugs from Shire, Novartis, others (March 3, 2005)
Understanding Alzheimer's (February 4, 2005)
Viable Alzheimer's Treatments on the Horizon (January 7, 2005)
Walk Off Alzheimer's? (March 1, 2005)
Watchdog seeks to curb Alzheimer's drugs (March 1, 2005)
Wrist, ankle bands can help track Alzherimers patients (February 5, 2005)
Worrywarts May Be Prone to Alzheimer's (February 8, 2005)
Alzheimer's Anxiety (November 12, 2004)
Alzheimer’s fight focuses on brain buildup (September 7, 2004)
Alzheimer's gene therapy trial shows early promise (April 28, 2004)
Alzheimer's Insight Could Lead to New Therapies (April 15, 2004)
Alzheimer's patients retain unexpected skills (June 9, 2004)
Alzheimer's Reduces Life Span (April 6, 2004)
Alzheimer's Risk Higher in Diabetics (May 17, 2004)
Alzheimer's tracked in patients (February 18, 2004)
Alzheimer's Vaccine Shows Promise (March 5, 2004)
Alzheimer's: When depression is a factor (January 12, 2004)
Body can 'heal dementia itself' (September 16, 2004)
Brain chemical memory link found (January 27, 2004)
Brain surgery treats Alzheimer's (April 28, 2004)
Britons 'ignoring' dementia signs (July 1, 2004)
Cancer drug may treat Alzheimer's (December 21, 2004)
Cup of tea may help boost memory (October 25, 2004)
Diabetes diagnosis boosts AD risk in older patients (July 1, 2004)
Diabetes 'linked to Alzheimer's' (May 17, 2004)
Diabetes linked to increased Alzheimer's risk (November 2, 2004)
Dietary neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer's (August 2, 2004)
Donepezil shows short-term benefit in slowing MCI progression to AD; vitamin E use has little advantage (Oct. 1, 2004)
Doubt cast on benefits of Alzheimer's drug (June 25, 2004)
Doubt cast over Alzheimer's drugs (June 24, 2004)
Drug calms dementia agitation (July 23, 2004)
Drug Delays Alzheimer's in Some (July 19, 2004)
Study: Drug delays Alzheimer’s onset (July 18, 2004)
Gene loss linked to Alzheimer's (June 12, 2004)
Home computers aid disease fight (September 18, 2004)
Hope for an Alzheimer's vaccine (August 4, 2004)
How Alzheimer's kills off cells (April 15, 2004)
Iris Murdoch's early signs of decline (December 4, 2004)
Lifestyle and Alzheimer’s Disease (January 10, 2004)
Long-term memory protein 'found' (November 8, 2004)
Midlife cholesterol levels impact AD risk in late life (October 1, 2004)
Minorities hard hit by Alzheimer’s (July 21, 2004)
Molecule offers Alzheimer's hope (October 29, 2004)
Murdoch novel reveals Alzheimer's (January 12,2004)
New Hope for Alzheimer's Patients (November 14, 2004)
New, Old Alzheimer Drugs Work Together (January 20, 2004)
No cure yet for mind-robbing Alzheimer's (June 7, 2004)
Obesity linked to dementia in women (November 23, 2004)
Now, Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer's (January 25, 2004)
Other brain disorders mistaken for Alzheimer's (July 15, 2004)
Plans to withdraw drugs abandoned (August 17, 2004)
Proteins 'hold Alzheimer's key' (January 25, 2004)
Reagan: Alzheimer's disease champion (June 5, 2004)
Road hazard: Drivers with Alzheimer's (December 22, 2004)
Science Makes Strides Toward Alzheimer's Cure (December 24, 2004)
Smell test may predict Alzheimer’s disease (December 13, 2004)
Soy, fish oil may protect against Alzheimer's (September 1, 2004)
Speed up Alzheimer's trials, researchers say (July 19, 2004)
Star Trek Scotty has Alzheimer's (July 7, 2004)
Studies reveal "disappointing" data on statin therapy for Alzheimer's disease (October 1, 2004)
Ten odours 'help spot dementia' (December 14,2004)
Test 'assists dementia treatment' (April 12, 2004)
Test could spot Alzheimer's early (November 12, 2004)
Two Alzheimer’s drugs show potential (July 22, 2004)
UK lags on Alzheimer's care (June 4, 2004)
Vitamins 'cut Alzheimer's effect' (January 20, 2004)
Vitamin may ward off Alzheimer's (July 16, 2004)
When brain disease changed Gran (November 17, 2004)
Work 'may ward off Alzheimer's' (August 10, 2004)
Action urged on Alzheimer's (January 23, 2003)
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Linked (April 27, 2003)
Alzheimer's Brain Similar to Child's (May 7, 2003)
Alzheimer's campaign a rewarding role for actress (May 30, 2003)
Alzheimer's Disease Double-edged Vaccine (April 2003)
Alzheimer's Disease Linked to Depression (May 19, 2003)
Alzheimer's Drugs Help More Than Memory (January 7, 2003)
Alzheimer's gene treatment hope (March 26, 2003)
Alzheimer's vaccine 'promising' (May 22, 2003)
Alzheimer's Vaccine Setback Confirmed (March 17, 2003)
Alzheimer's vitamins trial begins (May 3, 2003)
Clue to cause of Alzheimer's (May 11, 2003)
Cognitive Activity Participation Associated With Reduced Risk of Dementia In The Elderly (June 19, 2003)
Dancing 'wards off dementia' (June 20, 2003)
Depression as a Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease (May 2003)
DHEA Supplements Don't Help Alzheimer's (April 7, 2003)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease: Overview (February 1, 2003)
Drug slows advanced Alzheimer's disease (April 3, 2003)
Elderly Dementia Linked to Homocysteine (February 28, 2003)
Estrogen May Not Help Alzheimer's (February 19, 2003)
Exercise Saves Brain Cells (January 29, 2003)
Experimental Alzheimer's Drug Shows Promise (April 2, 2003)
Fat in Diet Linked With Alzheimer's (February 18, 2003)
Hope for Alzheimer's vaccine (May 22, 2003)
Hope on nerve diseases (January 31, 2003)
HRT 'may increase dementia risk' (May 27, 2003)
HRT Now Linked to Alzheimer's, Dementia (May 27, 2003)
In Early Alzheimer's, Brain Compensates (February 7, 2003)
Lithium May Be Alzheimer's Treatment (May 21, 2003)
Magnetic crystals in brain linked to Alzheimer's (April 9, 2003)
Memory Loss Not Inevitable With Age (February 11, 2003)
Mind-building Hobbies Prevent Alzheimer's (June 18, 2003)
Mobile phones 'may trigger Alzheimer's' (February 5, 2003)
NSAIDS May Help Prevent Alzheimer's (April 1, 2003)
NSAIDs No Help as Alzheimer's Treatment (June 3, 2003)
Painkillers 'might tackle dementia' (March 14, 2003)
Parkinson's Signs Linked to Alzheimer's (April 22, 2003)
Protein Levels Signal Alzheimer's (April 23, 2003)
Rikki tells of brain disease (February 21, 2003)
Spinal test 'detects' Alzheimer's (April 23, 2003)
Statins Fight Alzheimer's Disease (April 21, 2003)
Vegetables ward off Alzheimer's (February 18, 2003)
Wiring fault 'causes Alzheimer's' (December 30, 2003)
Agitation: How to Manage Behavioral Disturbances in the Older Patient with Dementia (April 1, 2002) - Adobe Acrobat PDF Format
Alzheimer's Caregivers Need Education About Resources To Reduce Burden (November 26, 2002)
Alzheimer's carers forced to quit jobs (October 16, 2002)
Alzheimer's disease: Accurate and early diagnosis in the primary care setting (March 1, 2002) - Adobe Acrobat PDF Format
Alzheimer's drug boosts memory of non sufferers (July 9, 2002)
Alzheimer's Disease & Beyond: Emerging Thinking on the Dementia Continuum (January 9, 2002)
Alzheimer's linked to daydreams (December 24, 2003)
Alzheimer's plaques imaged in living patients for first time (January 10, 2002)
Alzheimer's sufferers 'fail to seek help' (April 28, 2002)
Alzheimer’s Touches America: Many Say They Know Victims; Support High for Funding Research (April 30, 2002)
Alzheimer's Treatment Makes Mice Brains Bleed (November 15, 2002)
Alzheimer's Vaccine Gets Second Wind (October 14, 2002)
Aspirin 'protects against Alzheimer's' (September 23, 2002)
Blocking Agent Against Alzheimer's Enzyme Created (March 15, 2002)
Blood clue to Alzheimer's risk (February 14, 2002)
Blood Test Correctly Fingers Alzheimer's: Research Brings Us One Step Closer to Better Treatment (January 22, 2002)
Blood test could predict Alzheimer's (March 21, 2002)
Blood Test for Alzheimer's: New Test Predicts Telltale Plaques in Brains of Live Mice (March 21, 2002)
Brain drainage hope for Alzheimer's (October 21, 2002)
Brain exercise wards off Alzheimer's (August 7, 2002)
Cholesterol central to brain disease (July 20, 2002)
Clinicians Continue Search for Anti-Inflammatory Therapy in Alzheimer's (August 21, 2002)
Cognitive Test Can Identify Degrees of Dementia (May 31, 2002)
Depression And Delusions Tightly Linked In Alzheimer's (June 7, 2002)
Detailed report on Alzheimer Wandering (February 12, 2002)
Diet 'could reduce Alzheimer's risk' (June 26, 2002)
E. coli could provide Alzheimer's clue (February 2, 2002)
Dementia Prevention? Amino Acid Homocysteine May Play Role in Developing Alzheimer's Disease (February 22, 2002)
Dementia Risk Higher In Relatives of African-American Alzheimer Patients (January 16, 2002)
Dietary intake of vitamin E may reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease (September 10, 2002)
Early test hope for Alzheimer's (February 22, 2002)
Familiar surroundings help Alzheimer's patients (February 7, 2002)
Food Intake Among Patients with Alzheimer's Disease Correlates to Direct Caregiver Supervision Not Disease Status (July 26, 2002)
Folic Acid May Help Prevent Alzheimer's: Not Getting Enough Could Increase Risk of Brain Deterioration (March 1, 2002)
Galantamine Hydrobromide Delays Alzheimer's Symptoms by 18 Months (May 23, 2002)
Growing Need For Alzheimer's Caregiver Support (August 2, 2002)
H-1 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Predicts Progression in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Frank Alzheimer's Disease (July 26, 2002)
Heart drug slashes Alzheimer's risk (April 16, 2002)
Heston Health Crisis: Actor, NRA President Has Degenerative Brain Disease (August 9, 2002)
High Cholesterol Levels Appear Linked to Poor Cognitive Function (March 15, 2002)
High homocysteine levels linked to dementia, Alzheimer's disease (April 1, 2002)
High hopes for Alzheimer's film (January 12, 2002)
Hi-tech memories for Alzheimer's (September 20, 2002)
Identifying Alzheimer's in Living Patients: Imaging Technique Could Lead to Earlier Diagnosis, Better Therapies (Janurary 10, 2002)
Illnesses Jump To 12 In Halted Alzheimer's Vaccine Study (February 22, 2002)
Immune system 'triggers Alzheimer's' (October 24, 2002)
In A Newly Published Study More Alzheimer's Disease Patients Were Able To Benefit From Aricept (Donepezil HCl Tablets) Treatment Than Exelon (Rivastigmine Tartrate) (July 31, 2002)
INS: Tests Help Identify Lack of Insight in Alzheimer's Patients (February 19, 2002)
Iris, Alzheimer's and us (March 28, 2002)
'Iris' sharp, well-acted film bio (February 15, 2002)
Key Alzheimer's vaccine trial abandoned (March 4, 2002)
Left Parietal Lobe Disruption May Signal Alzheimer's Risk (May 5, 2002)
Lifestyle linked to Alzheimer's (July 20, 2002)
Lipid-Lowering Agents Cut Dementia Risk With No Indication Bias (February 22, 2002)
Living with Alzheimer's (October 16, 2002)
Low Vitamin B Status Prevalent In Alzheimer Patients (June 4, 2002)
Mentally Stimulating Activities Could Reduce Alzheimer's Risk (February 13, 2002)
Mini-Mental Test Helps Spot Alzheimer's Versus Dementia With Lewy Bodies (June 12, 2002)
Misshapen proteins seen as culprit in Alzheimer's (April 5, 2002)
More money sought to defeat Alzheimer's (April 30, 2002)
Mothers 'get Alzheimers boost' (November 9, 2002)
New Alzheimer's Risk Factor Identified: High Homocysteine Levels Double Your Risk, but B-Vitamins May Help (February 13, 2002)
New drug tackles Alzheimer's clumps (May 15, 2002)
New Hope for Alzheimer's Vacciene (October 13, 2002)
Pre-Existing Gender Differences May Influence Alzheimer's Impairment (May 30, 2002)
Program for missing Alzheimer's patients could face funding cut (May 4, 2002)
Repeated Injury Hastens Alzheimer's: Research Brings Us One Step Closer to a Cure (January 18, 2002)
Safety fears halt Alzheimer's trial (February 22, 2002)
Side Effect Kills Alzheimer's Vaccine Candidate; Elan To Try Again (March 1, 2002)
Skin drug could halt Alzheimer's (December 16, 2003)
Slowing Alzheimer's End Experimental Drug Offers Hope for More Severe Late-Stage Disease (March 22, 2002)
Study suggests Alzheimer vaccine fix (October 13, 2002)
Study Suggests Reminyl May Provide Long-Term Benefits in Treating Alzheimer's Disease (May 22, 2002)
Testosterone blocks Alzheimer's brain abnormality (January 21, 2002)
Tobacco chemical blamed for disease (October 29, 2002)
Understanding Your Risk for Alzheimer's: Your Race May Play a Role, if the Disease Runs in Your Family (January 15, 2002)
Urine Test Predicts Alzheimer's Disease (June 13, 2002)
Urine test to spot Alzheimer's (June 17, 2002)
Verbal Memory Test Best Indicator Of Who Will Have Alzheimer's Disease, New Study Says (August 26, 2002)
You Are What You Eat: Study Links High Cholesterol to Memory Loss (March 14, 2002)
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