Hello, my name is Jane John Doe I am male and I am female I am black and I am white: I am Indian and Hispanic. I am old and I am young. I am Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Agnostic. I am rich and poor, and I am middle class. I am educated and I am uneducated. I was a professional and I was a blue collar worker. I am a father, a mother, a sister, a brother, wife and a husband. I am me and I am you; I am one of millions of Americans. I am a victim of Alzheimer's Disease, and I am losing my memory. Sometimes I do not know who or where I am, or even who my family is. Sometimes I cannot talk, and sometimes I forget to walk. My personality has changed and I no longer behave the way I once did. I know I must be a problem to others. I sometimes make a terrible mess of things, my clothes, my food, and even the toliet. I am afraid, of people, of things, even the smallest of tasks, but most of all I am afraid of me. I am no longer who I once was and I don't understand why.
What I do remember is love and dignity.
by Vera H. Guise,
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