Date: 21.3.97/7:41
angee (angeezhere@hotmail.com / http://members.tripod.com/~angee/index.html ) wrote:
Nice page. God bless you... come see me some time. My door is always open...
Date: 21.3.97/7:41
angee (angeezhere@hotmail.com / http://members.tripod.com/~angee/index.html ) wrote:
Nice page. God bless you... come see me some time. My door is always open...
Date: 21.3.97/4:40
Susan Surwell (ssurwell@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com / no homepage ) wrote:
Your homepage is touching to the heart and warm to the soul. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, memories, and knowledge with the world.
Date: 17.3.97/1:35
Jerry Ham (jerryh@mt.arias.net / no homepage ) wrote:
Brenda, I'm touched by the work and the love that you've shown for your mom. Godd Bless you.
Date: 8.3.97/20:51
William (jack@ce.net / no homepage ) wrote:
Dear Brenda,
I am a 9th grader in Ocean City, Maryland, USA. For a report, I'm researching Alzheimer's disease. I was wondering: Could I quote your page: A Year to Remember...with my Mother and Alzheimer's Disease? I would be very appreciative if you would let me. I really enjoyed your page, I read it in one sitting in a couple of hours.
Date: 22.2.97/23:31
RaeNita Martin (gmar@texoma.net / no homepage ) wrote:
Your page was the first one I found looking for info on Alzheimer's & it helped very much. I've become caregiver to my Dad & am very grateful to you for the links you provided.
Date: 15.2.97/9:5
L. Alexander (wiseowl@alphalink.com.au / no homepage ) wrote:
I think your page is just beautiful. Two years ago my Mother died whilst suffering from Alzheimer's. The picture of your Mother could be a picture of mine - she loved her garden too and loved smelling the aroma of the flowers, sharing her cuttings and her knowledge. she lost all thoughts of her garden during her illness though and we were no longer able to share even this with her. There was a blessiing in her illness though. She had been bought up in a very Victorian manner and we were never allowed to touch her or show affection nor did she touch or show affection for us. During her illness though when she'd stay with me for a week every now and again I was able to tuck her into bed at night like a child, joke with her and talk of many things which I'd never been able to speak of before. She stayed with me the week before she died and enjoyed a giggle every night as I'd tease her about not geting lost if she got up during the night - feel free to turn on as many lights as you like until you find me - you won't be sent a bill - she'd giggle like a child and I loved it. After she returned home she'd tell my father about the 'nice lady she'd been staying with' although she'd known me whilst staying with me. I do miss her so very much but I get the feeling every now and again that she is around me, looking out for me - it feels good and I like to think of her here with me. She was a giant Oak tree for me but eventually life chopped down that tree and I can no longer sit in it's shade and feel protected.
Date: 13.2.97/19:12
Ann Fillmore (afillmor@red-lake.lakeheadu.ca / no homepage ) wrote:
Very touching.
It's so sad that anyone should have to go through
this. It's wonderful that she had the strong children
she did by her side.
Date: 13.2.97/16:12
Karen Stobbe (monkar_@ execpc.com / no homepage ) wrote:
Hello Brenda - I feel as though I know you through your beautiful home page. Your Mother looked to be a wonderful soul. I am sorry for the loss of her. My Father has AD and my Mother is the sole caregiver with help here and there. I have been there several different times to stay for weeks & months and it is always gut wrenching to leave. Guilt what a wonderful emotion ! I am working on a project with a theatre company (whose founder's parents both had AD) to develop presentations and workshops focusing on Humor and Healing for the patients as well as the carers. We are in the very early stages (just got the grant!) andf are working with full cooperation with the ALzheimer's Association. If you have any resources will you e-mail me ? Thanks. And again thank you for your page i needed a good cry and a smile. Karen
Date: 12.2.97/4:1
Donna Carleone (Donna_FBS@msn.com / no homepage ) wrote:
I'm writing this with tears in my eyes. My father has alzheimers. He also was having mini-strokes which caused the disease to progress much faster then anyone expected. It has only been 2 years since we found out and he has been in a nursing home for 8 months now. They tell me that he will depart this world any day now. I visit him almost everyday now and feed him lunch. I am the proverbial daddy's girl. I see I am running outta space. I hope to hear from you soon. God Bless