We hold the elevator for her
far away and moving slow
she inches toward us
knowing we will wait
"Going up or down?" she asks
waiting with hope-filled eyes
Down, we say, and smile
The fifth floor is all there is.
She shakes her head and she smiles back
"I'm waiting to go up," she says
and turns away.
Copyright © 1996 Hugh MacDonald
Used with permisson of the author.
From Looking for Mother, by Hugh MacDonald.
Winsor, Ontario, Canada: Black Moss Press, 1995.
(Dist. by Firefly Books, Ltd. Sparks Ave., Willowdale, Ontario M2H2S4
ISBN 0-88753-259-4 ISBN 0-88753-255-1 $14.95)
Email Hugh at hughmac@cycor.ca
Hugh's Home Address:
Hollow Pine Cottage, Robertson Road, Montague
RR#5 PEI Canada, C0A 1R0