Can Help Me Create A Health Care Power Of Attorney?
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Can Help Me Create
A Health Care Power Of Attorney?While the advice of a lawyer is helpful
to ensure that your document is legally effective, it is helpful to start
out by talking to someone who knows you and can help you express your values
and wishes in the context of your family and medical history.
Up-to-date information about Health Care Powers of Attorney (and Living Wills) in your state, along with statutory forms, if they exist in your state, can be obtained from Concern for Dying/Society for the Right to Die, located at 250 West 57th Street, New York, NY, 10107. Phone: (212) 246-6962 or 6973. if your state has a statutory form, remember that preprinted forms - - including the one contained in here -- may not meet all of your individual needs. Take the time to consider all possibilities and seek competent advice, so that the document you develop meets your special needs. This is even more important in states with no statutory Health Care Power of Attorney form.
Finding legal help depends on where you live. You should consult your own lawyer if you have one. If you do not, then as a stating point, contact your state or local Office on Aging. These offices are usually quite familiar with health care issues and local resources for legal assistance. In addition, you can contact the bar association for your state or locality. Their lawyer referral service may be able to refer you to an attorney who handles this type of matter. Finally, organizations that deal with planning for incapacity.
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