60 year old husband has been diagnosed with Frontal Lobe Dementia. Gery actually lives in the Netherlands where she works as a professional stress counselor. She's very anxious to try her wings so...if you have a loved one with FLD, here's the angel for you!
is not only the angel to talk to about Multi-Infarcted Dementia, but also
one of the people who inspired me to create the "Other Dementia"
site. Her husband was diagnosed with MID and she came to the Alzheimer's
site in hopes of finding some info on it. We began to write to each other
and I remember her words exactly. "Tay, why can't there be a site
that has information about the other diseases that cause dementia"....and
I thought, yes, indeed, why can't there? And so the rest is history.
is another long time friend whose wife Marilyn, is suspected of having
Picks Disease. Not only does he have extensive knowledge of Picks, but
he can also help you with advise on Nursing Home care.
husband Martin, was diagnosed with dementia after he suffered several strokes.
So Karen, who is some years younger than her husband, has dedicated her
life to making certain Martin can live his to the fullest. Karen has so
much understanding to give. And her humor, her devotion, and insights can
help anyone...especially if you're a spouse whose in need of a willing
ear and a gentle heart.
Would you like to become an email angel? If so, drop me a note and let me know. Just tell me who you are and the type of people you'd like to help.