Below are some of the finest poetry every written about a loved one afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease. Some are touching...some are insightful. All make your heart break and heal at the same time.
Writings of Steven Stoker. Exceptional and outstanding!
Only a few words I know, but Stevens talent speaks for itself. His insights,
compassion and beautifully written poetry has brough many a tear to numerous
The Eyes Of A Son. Written by Jerry Ham, this poetry
takes you in to the heart of Alzheimer's Disease. Through his sonnets,
written for and about his mother, Jerrys beautiful words bring hope, comfort
and wisdom to any caregiver. This is another directory that will constantly
be changing, so please check back often. Now...grab a tissue and enjoy!
From the incredible writer Brenda Race, these sonnets will capture you
from the first moment on. Brenda reveals her heart as she shares with you
the moments she has had with her mother. Blended with joy and sorrow, these
poems are like a tapestry of Alzheimer's Disease.
By award winner Dorothy Womack, these sonnets are
both inspirational and uplifting. There is a beauty in Dorothy's writing
that touches the soul and makes it soar. They are truly outstanding!
Faded Memories.
Carrie Faye, an extraordinary poet, brings you something incredible --- she takes you into the mind of Alzheimer's Disease in these beautiful musings about her Grandfather Axel. Inspiring, reflective... all I can say is "her gift is phenomenal"!
Alzheimers...prison of the mind.
Written by Christine Bean, this poem is dedicated to her dad Paul Moya who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1996.