~Please NOTE~
This message board is just for people who suffer from memory loss, whether it is caused by Alzheimer's or some other disease. Please try to understand that these extraordinary friends of mine NEED a place to call their own, and I hope you will respect their privacy. If you have a question to present to them, than please do so because they have a great wealth of experience. But if it just concerns a general caregiving problem, than click HERE and it will take you on to the caregiver board.
Hello My Dear Friends!
I'm so glad you found this area I have made especially for you. Here is where you can post your thoughts, leave messages for others, or just write about your good days, or maybe... your NOT so good days. It's whatever you want to write about...the choice is up to you. I know there are many who have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this message board, so if you're here because you want to establish contact with others who suffer from memory loss....then post a note, because believe me, you aren't alone.
Now...how do you work the message board?
First, click the underlined 'POST NEW MESSAGE'. That will take you to the actual board. Then, to establish your thought, 'click' the bar that says...'POST NEW MESSAGE' , then when you are finished, click the bar at the bottom that says...POST MESSAGE. To reply to a thought, click on the underlined title (on the left hand side) and a 'post reply' will appear. To return back here, just use your browers BACK button. That's it...
I hope this goes without saying BUT....
While I respect your views, there is to be no FOUL language used on this scrawl wall. If I see any, I WILL delete your message immediately.
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painting by J W Waterhouse 1900