columbus club house

The Columbus Club House is one of the most enterprising business interests of the county seat of Platte county. It is owned by the firm of Whitcomb & Ellsworth and is the only undertaking of that character in the city. It furnishes a place of clean amusement and is splendidly equipped for the purpose for which it is intended. There are three bowling alleys of the finest maple and they were used in the national tournament at Peoria, Illinois, held in March, 1915. The alleys are equipped with the latest pin-setting devices and all around the room is a large balcony for the comfort and pleasure of those who desire to watch the game but do not care for the moment to participate therein. The alleys are liberally patronized by gentlemen and ladies. In fact it is the purpose of the firm to maintain an amusement house that the people of highest standing will attend. There are three pocket billiard tables on the first floor and a liberal patronage is also accorded in that department. In addition to the billiard tables on the first floor there is also one in the rear of the balcony which is always in use. The club house also maintains one of the finest equipped cigar and tobacco stores in Nebraska and their soda fountain can scarcely be surpassed. Both proprietors are very considerate of the wishes of their patrons, doing everything to further their comfort and pleasure, and there is no convenience lacking that is usually found in an establishment of the kind. In a word, the Columbus Club House is an establishment worthy of and receiving the patronage of the best and the city has reason to be proud of it.

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You can find the information above HERE. It was written by G.W. Phillips around 1915.