Biting the tips - "I wish to be rid of you very soon!"
Clenching them, rolled up in right hand - "No!"
Drawing half way on left hand - "Indifference"
Dropping both of them - "I love you"
Dropping one of them - "Yes"
Folding up carefully - "Get rid of your company"
Holding the tips downward - "I wish to be acquainted"
Holding them loose in the right hand - "I am content"
Holding them loose in the left hand - "I am satisfied"
Left hand with the naked thumb exposed - "Do you love me?"
Putting them away - "I am vexed!"
Right hand with the naked thumb exposed - "Kiss me"
Smoothing them out gently _ "I am displeased"
Striking them over the shoulder - "Follow me"
Tapping the chin - "I love another"
Tossing them up gently - "I am engaged"
Turning them inside out - "I hate you!"
Twisting them around the fingers - "Be careful, we are watched!"
Using them as a fan - "Introduce me to your company".