At first, a person with Alzheimer Disease exhibits only minor, almost imperceptible, symptoms that are often attributed to other illnesses. Gradually, however, the person becomes more forgetful.

As memory loss increases, changes also appear in personality, mood and behaviour. The person may take longer to complete a chore that was previously routine or repeat already answered questions.

Judgement, concentration, speech and physical co-ordination may also be affected. There are many patterns in the type, severity and sequence of mental changes in this illness. The symptoms are usually progressive, but there is a great variation in the rate of change from person to person. In a few cases, there may be rapid decline but, more commonly, there are long periods with little change. Although the person with Alzheimer Disease is often unaware of, or may deny the full extent of his or her limitations, the illness is a source of deep frustration for those afflicted and for their loved ones.

Author Unknown


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